autumn is over
More than that, it is getting quite cold in my house, since I am using only the air conditioning for heating. This makes me a bit depressed, toghether with the fact that I feel a little lonely. I don't feel that the people I am getting out with are my real friends. Our relations are based on mutual interests rather than on shared values. This is saddening, but quite common, I think.
I have to fill out an application for a grant, perhaps I wrote aboute that already. I intend to apply with a research project on miracles, including a philosophical approach (Wittgensteinean), literary teories about what makes something a good story and Bible studies, perhaps. A sketch of my project starts like this:
"My intention is to address the topic of miracles as it appears in the current debates in philosophy of religion by using a Wittgensteinian approach. In doing this I aim to establish two things. First, that a religious statement about something being a miracle cannot be contradicted by any scientific findings. Second, that being a religious person, contrary to a view attributed to Wittgenstein by some scholars and assumed by some of his followers, must include making certain statements and giving them a certain support. The overall purpose of my research project would be, thus, to better the understanding of what it is to be a religious person, leaving the choice to actually be such a person open."
I still teach logic seminars and that course on metalogic, of course. To make my course more attractive I added some presentations on Turing machines and Peano's Arithmetic and I plan to continue with the Lambda Calculus of Alonzo Church.
I've learned a lot from Stefan's seminar on gay studies. I even quessed that Judith Butler would advise the suffragettes to be cross-dressers. :-)
One interesting thing happened during a party for the 1st year students. Two of my older students, with whom I've been talking and dancing at the party, started to kiss. I knew that kissing was just a game for them. They were not having a relation of some sort. In fact, she had another boyfriend, who was also present at the party, busy with some other things. So, knewing all these, I went and sat besides them and said that I feel excluded. They both turned and kissed me, one at a time, first the boy (who knew that I wouldn't reject him), then the girl. It was only a game, of course, and I am quite confident that they knew that. Anyway, I believe I've made it clear the next day that even if playing such games might mean that we are getting closer friends, this will not interfere with our academic relations. End of story. :-)
I have to fill out an application for a grant, perhaps I wrote aboute that already. I intend to apply with a research project on miracles, including a philosophical approach (Wittgensteinean), literary teories about what makes something a good story and Bible studies, perhaps. A sketch of my project starts like this:
"My intention is to address the topic of miracles as it appears in the current debates in philosophy of religion by using a Wittgensteinian approach. In doing this I aim to establish two things. First, that a religious statement about something being a miracle cannot be contradicted by any scientific findings. Second, that being a religious person, contrary to a view attributed to Wittgenstein by some scholars and assumed by some of his followers, must include making certain statements and giving them a certain support. The overall purpose of my research project would be, thus, to better the understanding of what it is to be a religious person, leaving the choice to actually be such a person open."
I still teach logic seminars and that course on metalogic, of course. To make my course more attractive I added some presentations on Turing machines and Peano's Arithmetic and I plan to continue with the Lambda Calculus of Alonzo Church.
I've learned a lot from Stefan's seminar on gay studies. I even quessed that Judith Butler would advise the suffragettes to be cross-dressers. :-)
One interesting thing happened during a party for the 1st year students. Two of my older students, with whom I've been talking and dancing at the party, started to kiss. I knew that kissing was just a game for them. They were not having a relation of some sort. In fact, she had another boyfriend, who was also present at the party, busy with some other things. So, knewing all these, I went and sat besides them and said that I feel excluded. They both turned and kissed me, one at a time, first the boy (who knew that I wouldn't reject him), then the girl. It was only a game, of course, and I am quite confident that they knew that. Anyway, I believe I've made it clear the next day that even if playing such games might mean that we are getting closer friends, this will not interfere with our academic relations. End of story. :-)
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